Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I don't see why one would want to title one's posts. Is every time you post THAT title-worthy? Mine aren't.

Anyway, I'm excited about having the website up and Robby's new keyboard. I miss playing music a bit. I want to join in again, but not sure how. Robert's taught me how to play guitar, drums, piano, bass. I think I like playing bass and keyboard/synths the most. Every instrument has its perks, but I enjoy the said instruments the most, I think.

I haven't been eating very well lately. I'm just too lazy to prepare food, or I'm involved in other stuff so much that I run out of time to prepare myself lunch for work, etc. I had a mustard/cheese sandwich for "breakfast." I burnt some garlic bread at work today, so I had a big chunk of that plus some carrots I brought from home. And that's about all I've eaten so far, 'sides the few nachos on the way home from work.

We've made a bit of extra money in the past couple weeks. I've been thinking about getting a serger or new sewing machine. I'm currently using Robert's mother's mother's Kenmore machine. It's from the 80s or earlier. It does most things that I need. I don't do a LOT of clothing, but it'd be nice to have the edges finished as I sew. But considering I don't work from commercial patterns much, I'd prolly need to work with the seams and what not before I finished the edges. But, I could always do french seams, etc. for pants and similar items. The other technique I'd like to incorporate is narrow hemming.

Robbys sleepy! off to bed I go.

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