Monday, October 17, 2005

Wendy saves the day - with cake!

To make a long story short, a cake order form was misplaced on Friday, so I had to do a cake on last-minute's notice. Here's the result. I'm proud of it. What do you think? By the way, it was my first time doing something like this, with a drawing and such.
(Click images for larger ones. Pardon the camera phone quality)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Spring cleaning came late.

Today I gave away a heap of stuff to someone who responded to a post of mine on the SPFreecycle Yahoo Group. The heap was comprised of fabric, beads, shoes, books, jewelry, knick-knacks and thing-a-ma-bobs - about 8 garbage bags full. A nice lady named Jeana came by my house to pick it.

Also, I spent the better part of my day putting up a few ebay listings. Nothing handmade, just stuff in my house taking up space. Check it out, why don't you!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Sewing Resource for 1920s-1930s Dresses, Hats, Purses, Beading, More!

Along my journey back in time (and my eBay searching), I came across blsk's high-quality reproductions of original antique sewing/millinery books. The wealth of information is mind-boggling! Go see what I mean.

I'm going to splurge on a few of these sewing booklets very soon. If you decide to do the same, tell 'em Wendy sent ya!