Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Lam Hoac is here!

Lam Hoac is a great guy who designs and flies sport kites. Sky Sport Design is the name of his company. Lam, Rob, and I will be driving to Saint Augustine, FL, this weekend for SASKC 2006. Lam is visiting from Canada, so we are his temporary Florida home. And we sure do love his company. Besides being a kite master, he's a great cook and all-around fun guy too!
Lam Hoac

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Handmade trade with Jill Bliss

After many back and forth e-mails, Jill Bliss and I have agreed to swap some handmade goods! She's the founder of blissen and maker of these fabulous wallets that I've had my eye on for some time now. I'm flattered that she likes my purses :) I sent her a tote I made from a pair of printed vintage napkins and also the "Elephant Hawk Moth Green clutch". She says she loves them both! And I love the wallet and pins I recieved! Thanks so much, Jill!The Perfect Pocket Wallet by Jill Bliss

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Holy Crap! Kite Video!

I'm so proud! Rob and Drew made an AWESOME video! They flew; they recorded; they rocked your world.


Kite: Sky Sport's Sea Devil standard custom-made kite (Lam, you rock!)
Pilot: Robert Randolph
Cameraman: Drew Little
Location: Treasure Island, FL
Music: Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) by The Postal Service

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Vintage Linen Patchwork Garden Tote

new purse - click for more info!

Vintage Linen Patchwork Garden Tote

Thursday, January 05, 2006

John Barresi has come to stay.

Our friend John Barresi has come to stay with us during the KTAI Trade Show in Clearwater, FL. I can't go today, so I am relaxing/cleaning at home.

I go back to being a cake decorator apprentice next week so I am excited about that. Oh, and my sewing machine is busted, so no more sewing for Wendy at the moment :( It needs to be repaired. Very sad!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Rev flying and visit to Uncle Tim's

Rob, Steve, and I went to Treasure Island this after noon after Rob made me a lovely late breakfast. After a bit of wrassling with dual-line sport kites, I picked up the Revolution 1 quad-line kite for the first time and apparently did very well with it. Rob said there were other kite flyers around saying I was "awesome" and wondered how long I'd been flying. Eeee! Have I found my niche? Perhaps. It was fun. And what a workout!

After the beach, we visited my Godfather (Uncle Tim) at his condo where we enjoyed pizza, Twilight Zone, and a few games of pool. Fun for all! It was a perfect day off of work. No work! :)

And to round out the night, Rob and I mixed a paint color for our living room walls. It's AWESOME. The shade is like baby-poo yellow. We'll see how it looks in the morning. Signing off for now. Bedtime.